[M] I won't let this build up inside of me
OOC: Sorry, I didn't have a table that would fit this.

Adriana had been in heat for a little while now. She had been with a couple of the men from her pack but none of them seemed to actually be interested in her. She didn’t mind, not really. She just wanted to fulfill the want and the lust she felt burning inside her. Yes, it probably would have been best for her to stay within the borders that offered her protection but she needed to get out. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had been outside of Casa di Cavalieri. Perhaps she really hadn’t left since she had joined the warrior pack. Oh well, she needed to get out. She needed to find someone who could calm the burning desire. She had already been with two others, including her alpha, and yet she still needed more.

It was one of the few days Adriana went without clothing. She just didn’t care anymore. Besides, they would just get in the way. It would be much easier to get what she wanted without her clothes. The brown woman made her way to the Shattered Coast, hoping to find someone, anyone, who would be willing to have a little fun. Surely there would be at least one male around.

She finally picked up the faint scent of a male and followed it the best she could. It took long enough, but she finally spotted him reclining on a rock. She smirked and walked passed him to the water, stopping once the water reached her ankles. The cool water felt good, even if the rocks beneath her feet didn’t. Adriana stood there, watching the waves and acting like she didn’t even know he was there. She knew perfectly well that he would be able to pick up her alluring scent and was simply waiting for him to make a move.

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