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      Asphyxia nodded with a sigh, she knew what he had to do and she supposed she wouldn't be able to convince him to run. What was she going to do now? She wanted him to run, as far away as they could but she wasn't going to get him to budge, she knew this for a fact but there had to be someway, but she didn't know what yet. “I see, I guess that's understandable, not wanting to be pushed from your home,” she looked up at him quietly, “But what if you don't come out, what if this... monster comes back out instead. Then what do I do?” the tears slowly came to a stop as there was no point in crying anymore, she couldn't put her words out that way, “You do no good to us dead, but if we ran, at least we'd have time. I can always come back here if something were to happen to you, as this wolf said..he doesn't want to harm your family... then I'm not in danger, only you are.” she looked at him, hoping he understood what she said. If Asmodai were to find Skoll in the woods, and kill him, she could easily find her way back to her what has been her home forever, the only thing she was in danger from was Hybrid but she could easily find her way to Esper Hollow, the place that she was considering being her new home. Asphyxia looked into Skoll's eyes for answers, but so far found nothing besides what she knew he was going to do anyways.
Table by Tammi!

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