on the sidelines

maybe wrap this up soon? :> I will poke you with an idea I had!

Word Count → 379

They continued around the gentle curve of the track, warm breeze teasing the dark locks of Hati's mane. He felt himself leaning forward a little, beginning to relax and enjoy the sensations of riding. Hawthorn's scent was all around him, the perfume of hay and horsehide and freshly cropped grass. He didn't want this to end. It was already far beyond the scope of his previous interactions with the herd, and with Alder's safe presence at his back, he felt like he could not lose control. The deep voice rumbled behind him, answering his abrupt question. Perhaps it had been a flight of fancy, a whim invoked by the fluttering excitement he felt from his first real horseback ride. Did he really have it in him to be a stablehand?

"I..." Hati faltered, wanting to give an honest answer but needing to find it first. He loved to learn new things, whether by reading every book he got his paws on, or by moments like this when an experienced teacher was willing to pass on his knowledge firsthand. And horses drew him in so magnetically; he wanted to be around them, to help them and make them happy. But the thought of immersing himself in this path made him balk -- for what if he failed? He still had no talent for riding, still could not connect with the horses in that intangible way Alder could. And physically he knew his shortcomings -- he did not have the strength and endurance for manual labor, and did not know if he ever would. He seemed to be growing lean and lithe as he neared his adult height, looking more like his svelte wolf mother than his heavyset dog father.

"I don't know if I'll be much suited for it," he finally admitted, bowing his head. He had to be honest -- he respected Alder too much to try and muster a false bravado. "If you think I could be helpful to you, though... I would do my best." And that was the truth he found within himself -- a tiny spark of ambition, so fragile the slightest setback could extinguish it. He did want that path, even if he did fear it would be too challenging for him to achieve.

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Table by Cait!

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