Softly as she goes
She did lead the way, a quick and silent arrow of grey and brown through the underbrush. Merging with the forest to almost disappear of not for the flare of her bright white tail and shining eyes that reflected back from the darkness when she turned to look at him and make sure he was following. The forest flashed by her, the shadows clinging to trees and the nightlife peeking at her as she slipped quietly on by. Roosting birds cooed to each other softly and night owls hooted loudly, mice and other rodents scuttled about in the grass but it was not them she was interested in.

Finally the woman stopped somewhere close to the borders and stood with her head and tail high, tasting the scents on the air. Her body language alive and alert as she waited for Temo to catch her up. He was slower in his optime than she was in secui and she had left him behind a little bit in her enthusiasm. She grinned at him wolfishly as he did catch up, her tongue lolling from her mouth.

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