Letting myself look the other way
Word Count :: 312 Grace is kitten-newbie to the max

A goofy grin slipped through her smile when Wilson spoke back to her, so used to the company of cats and the idea of them as companions she had yet to actually hear one speak directly to her and she couldn't help but like the cat before her more that he had deemed her worthy of being addressed. “Is that so. I take it you speak from experience then Wilson?” once more she addressed him over the wolf, making idle conversation as she went along, “Because they are just soo... innocent looking I cannot imagine what they could do any wrong” ignorance regarding cats was clear from her words, although if she were to acquire one she would make sure she found out as much relevant information and learnt from all sources available to her as to raise the small creature the best she could.

With he questions posed to Wilson she gave more thought to the male traders words, pausing only for a few seconds as she realised her offer off books and dyes may be too little to gain her what she desired. Her only other possession was Mai and truthfully the Mare was a living work of art, temperamental as she was. Half turning she waved them to follow her, smile fixed upon her lips as he decision had been made; considering she did little more then look at Mai she would rather gain some writing supplies and a kitten then continue to keep the poorly behaved horse.“This way. It's a bit of a walk, I hope you don't mind. Aside from my books and dyes I have Mai; my mare. She's a stunner although her worth is a little.. more to me” Scooping up the brave little on she panicked as he tensed in her arms, unsure what to do she shot a worried glance over to them.

Photo courtesy of Analog Weapon, texture by SweettEmottion

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