(Sorry for all of my typos I'm typing on my mom's IPhone)

Aethua's ear twitched as she heared the wolves bicker. She chuckled with arrogance. Well do they think I'm just going to sit back and let them get beat up. She remembered that the wind had blown off her bandage and cotton. Tiny particles of leaves and twigs were now in her wound. It hurt worribly, a very faint whine escaped from her lips, but then she shut it quick, hoping that her companions wouldn't start to pamper her. She couldn't smell Toby anywhere the wind must've blown so fiearce that it blew all if the scents away. Aethusa's paw-like-hands in fists as she walked with the throbbing wound on her back, not to mention the little scrapes and bruises. Her fur wind blown and her tail bristled she tried not to lose her stance. She was so use now to just being lifted up in the air by the winds. Her eyes narrowed as she clumsily fell backwards. "Clumsy me, I feel so-" Then she realized that it wasn't the winds that made her dizzy it was the loss of blood from her wound. Okay Aethusa, just keep on trekking, forget about it! She thought. But it hurt to bad, maybe just a little comforting hand? It was very tempting, in fact to tempting. She put her hand on her wound and got up, she smeared blood all over her and and her back. She looked at her plm and realized how bad it really was. "Oh no!" She sneered.

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