This is for you

Current Objective: Thinking ---
Form: Lupus.----
Mood: Agitated--

So she was here from another pack to trade, this was most excellent. This would provide the opportunity X’ies needed to set up more diplomatic links between packs and of course help establish his own power base within his own pack. Though there were certain things about the female that confused him. Though they were indeed no different from the usual confusion. For example why did people bother to use horses when they could get around just as quickly, if not quicker by merely taking the Lupus form? But with merchants and traders, he could understand using horses to carry burden that they did not themselves wish to encumber themselves with. She would lay out items, X’ies would of course have nothing on him at the moment so things were fruitless as far as the trading aspect of the here and now went.

” Ah of course, we have been looking to set up some trade relations…but there has been so much to do lately with the starting of the pack…..if you would wait here I will inform my alpha of your willing…gift exchange”.

And with that he'd go off to do that.


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