Fix It, Fix You


Words - 400

Jaden had kept himself relatively calm in comparison to his alphess at this point. They were close enough now that he could feel her angered breath. The force of her snarl rang in his hears. All the questions and reasons why began to become irrelevant with the primal display of rage on his sensitive hearing. He had never thought they would get to this point. Never did he imagine looking into his dearest friends eyes with the intent to foresee a possibly hostile attack. But here they stood. He had also been unable to foresee hearing commands issued from that maw. Perhaps their relationship had slipped farther than he’d thought.

Then he saw it in her. That tell-tail tensing of the muscles, the sway of her body as it balanced for movement gave away her intent. He pulled back quick enough that her grasp met only air. His muscles rippled in surprise and mind went blank with shock. The warrior had been watching for it but, again, did not expect her to try. He took a step or two back and snarled with his own anger at her. So this is how she wanted it? She would physically try to force him? He couldn't hurt her with hostile intent like that and would likely lose their bout because of his restraint but could defend himself. Perhaps he needed to see just how far his ‘beloved’ would go to make him comply.

Her shove would have likely forced the talking to stop in favor of fighting had X’ies not spoke. Jaden’s fiery blue gaze didn't leave X’yrin’s as he listened. Of course X’ies would defend her. He had already stated where he stood. But the nomad then discouraged X’yrin’s hostilities too. More hard to read actions from him, more words with hidden meanings.

Continuing with his advice, he suggested time apart. What was his game? That he actually cared about the pack as his words hinted was a bit surprising and hard to believe. The Obsidian alpha’s gaze shifted onto X’ies with the same hostility he had been showing before. A diplomatic mission of sorts had been on his mind lately too. A strange coincidence. But did he really want to spend what could possibly be multiple weeks of traveling with X’ies though was a truly hard question. It would likely appease X’yrin and he was suddenly feeling like time away from home was preferable. Jaden hid his teeth and remoistened his lips. Perhaps he’s right. I’ll go with him to see how valuable his skills are. Though his fangs of anger were now hidden his eyes were stony, That is, if it’s alright with you my alpha.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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