Desire Tames Even The Wildest Animals

WC:: 420 - OOC Points - 3

As he wandered back towards Axelle's den, a voice called out to him. He slowed in his padding, his eyes regarding the shadows closely, his ears flicking to locate the source of the sound. As his form tensed a little, his snout lifted a little as he sniffed the air of the caves but all he could smell was Anathema, which meant the owner of the voice was a pack ally. His muscles quickly relaxed, before he slowly amde his way closer to the root of the voice, and soon enough, his feral gaze picked out the outline of the female. His head tilted to the side like a curious pup as he regarded her, letting his eyes wash over her as they so often did to the females, despite his loyalty to Axelle. It was simply Malakai's way.

"You're deep in Anathema territory, and yet all I can sense from you is waves of fear... Why is that?" His form moved just a little closer to this female, regarding her, and it was then that he recognized her. "You and your mate had one of those ceremonies not too long ago, didn't you?" Now, all of a sudden, his interest in her peaked - he had gone looking for Alaki or Naniko to ask about that very thing. Perhaps he had run into someone who just might be able to answer a few questions he might have on the subject. "I trust the relationship is still going well with your mate?" His eyes glanced to the enterence to Axelle's den, not too far away and lowered his voice somewhat so that there would be no chance of her overhearing his conversation with Charm. "I'm actually a little curious about the mating ceremony... Maybe you could give me a little detail about what they are for, what they do, how I would go about perhaps organizing one...?" His black form almost melted right into the shadows but his feral yellow eyes betrayed his location constantly. "I have recently taken a mate myself and it was something I was maybe thinking about for us one day, that thing that you had..." His voice had dropped in volume considerably, just in case Axelle should catch his words - it was something he hadn't even mentioned to her yet, mainly because he was unsure of whether it was something she would want. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to do such a thing yet but it couldn't hurt to have the inside scoop.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table! Sign by Sammiie

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