Familie ist alles
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Coming to greet the small family, the reception she received was warm and inviting, encouraging a soft smile to her lips as she looked from Rain to his daughter as she approached. X’yrin followed the descent of her muzzle not with a cold, but careful gaze, observing her behavior. She was not ostracized by the pack, but it was evident there was a physical difference that kept her under the eye of the other pack members. While it was acknowledged, it was not pointed out with issue, but like the oddity in the room, it lingered but was not spoken of to maintain a polite air. To the young female, the Issor dipped her head in greeting then returned her kindly gaze to Rain.

“I’m glad to see you are making yourself comfortable. I hope to see the two of you around the grounds soon enough.” Her lush tail swayed with the thought of seeing them actively participating, joining the Family and assisting its prosperity. To the offer of ‘tea’ she tilted her head curiously having not heard of this thing. Was it anything like the cannabis of Ichika, she wondered. Accepting his offer, she followed him into the den, carefully dragging her gift deeper in toward the fire pit.

“Tea?” she was inclined to ask around a mouthful of hide. “What is tea, if I may ask?”

228 words.

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