raise a tempest
OOC: Lupus Form. Smile

No matter how much time she spent in the forest, it never got any easier to deal with. She'd been sleeping in dirt or abandoned buildings at night and during the day she was usually catching herself food. Her fur was a mess, her hair was growing faded, her roots were the mocha brown of the rest of her. Her clothes needed to be washed and were dirty. Ugh! This just wasn't good enough for the young princess. She needed to find a pack to take her in, and soon. The only problem was it couldn't be any pack. It had to pass her expectations or they'd be turned down. She often had second thoughts about leaving her own pack, but then remembered how everyone treated her like a child. Yes, they did her bidding. But, she was old enough to take care of herself and that's what she would do.

Revena trudged through the forest, her feet sore and tired as they had been every day for the past few weeks. She spent most of her time on them, constantly traveling to get to an unknown destination. A rumble echoed from her stomach and she realized that she hadn't eaten. Great. Another reason to stay on her weary feet. Hazel eyes searched her surroundings for an easy and quick meal, while her nose sifted through the many scents of the forest for one that meant prey. Doggish ears twitched as she picked up the scurrying of a rodent and soon her eyes found the small prey. A squirrel. Not good enough for Revena. She spat at the squirrel who was unaware of her presence. Growing low on patience she thew a warning bark in the direction of the squirrel and sent it running off in the other direction. The coy-dog playfully chased it and yelped at it for a short while, growling as it fled from her view.

Once it was gone, she huffed and continued on searching for something worthy to snack on. A couple more steps and an interesting scent wafted into her nostrils. A cat? The young girl cocked her head and searched the brush for the origin of the scent but her eyes couldn't pick out anything distinct from the earthy tones of the forest. Kitty, kitty? She mocked hoping to draw out the cat. Sun kissed eyes continued to search but still couldn't find the feline in the forest. Her patience was quickly drawing to a close. Another bark was sent in the direction she thought the cat came from. Come out. Now. The girl demanded getting frustrated that the cat could hide so easily.

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