I'll Take My Chance

WC: 320 OOC: herp a derp XDDDD Mars gaved Niro an idea. Tongue

Mars was patient with Niro’s long winded speeches, which tended to be long when he enjoyed what he talked about and he talked pretty long when it came to such lovely things. Niro gave the man an appreciative smile when he spoke about talking to Orin about naming the pups, mostly because he wasn’t sure what else to do or say about it, but he was glad they would work together on that subject. At least he was stepping up. He was looking over the river not sure if Mars was waiting for Niro to lead him over or if he would go first but that thought was cleared when Mars mentioned horses.

“Oh I ride every once in a while... but I don’t know anything about taking care of a horse for so long. I take trips up north with one or another, but Amaranth didn’t want to ride.” He said shrugging and at the mention of having a bird Niro lightened up and whistled. The bird who had been flying up overhead, though landed in a tree not too far off came from the tree. Niro pulled from his belt the leather gloves Anann taught him to make and pulled one on before the bird landed on that hand. “Go see if you can find Orin in the stables, you remember, my sister right?” Marahute gave him a knowing gaze and answered him in her own low speech and took off toward the stables. Filled with pride he looked at Mars and nodded; “I suppose that will do for getting across the river, and yes, I have a bird, use to have many but let them go when Amaranth and I left.” He said with a slight shrug. He had so much more he wanted to say to burst out but he felt he should save the poor man his explanations.

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Table by Meghann!


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