postcards from italy
[html]; background-position: center top; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: top left; width: 420px;">
I am writing graffitti on your body
I am drawing the story of how hard we tried
     Poe openly, contently laughed at Laurel meowing at the lobster, blissfully unaware of just what scenario she was walking into. "He's just cranky from the ride over, is all. Just wait--he'll be screaming in joy when you get him in a nice bubbly pot," she said cheerfully, opening the sack to accept the lobster back into his shared bag of doom.

     The tone was quick to change, and Poe followed his words intently as he explained the situation. Jasper was sick, and Laruku--she recalled Ahren mentioning him once before--as well. Her own optimism assumed that because Ahren had been the one lugging the other two in, it must have meant he was all right, and that he was likely still here. She frowned and twisted the top of her sack absentmindedly while speaking. "No, nothing," she said slowly, making a personal note that she hadn't really seen many people at all lately, making that knowledge less than valuable, really. "What kind of sick is it?" she asked with eyes roaming out to where Laurel had come from. "And are you all right?" she added upon a fuller consideration, turning back to look at him with a careful, mildly concerned eye.
oh, no don't close your eyes

Table by Tammi!

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