Manly Men
Word Count :: 314 OOC: sorry about the delay Sad(

Jiva was glad that he could have some contact even outside of New Dawn. Though little was known about this man he did not seem the type to just attack, then again he was never attacked himself. His eyes grew a little more cold when the man said that even the laugh he lelt out was a little chilly; “My father is a very capable fighter and he’s now up at his home and won’t be able to walk for months. Trust me when I say capable or not, you better keep both eyes open at night.” His words were stern, and warning. He wasn’t going to let anyone, even someone who didn’t know of his father’s condition tell Jiva that Niro was not capable of defending himself. Jiva saw what the man could do and it was far more than most could.

He looked down at the knife when the man told him there was more to it than just poking someone with the pointy end, but Jiva knew this already. He just never wanted to learn and anything his mother taught him was with a bow staff. He looked at the other man with quiet eyes. He nodded slightly. “If you wish, I have never been much for the fighting arts I am afraid. I’m a healer more than anything, but I suppose it won’t hurt to know a little more.” Jiva said. He pulled the knife that his mate had gotten him as a present. The handle was of bone but the rest was a steel that shone, as if it were new, but Jiva knew better than that. He looked at Alister expectantly. He didn’t know what to do to start such training, and wondered if the other man had a knife of his own or would be using that sword as his “knife”.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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