I'll always hold your hand..
Her words found his ears, making his attention go right to her. He swelled at the sight of her but did his best not to show it. He gave a charmingly cocky grin her way, "...Oh, yes, easy to lose against me perhaps, but how about you we put these words to actions..." Roath was confused by the woman at first, but then when he saw Aro's reaction to her he smiled vaguely before he took Aro's signal and bowed to the striped woman. Aro had been working on his manners since their hunt and figured he'd finally trust the tuxedo man. The Knight-Marino male looked to Roath, patting his back some, "Naw, he's got some skill to him, I'm sure if he was allowed to fight dirty, as he was taught we'd have a harder scuffle, but I'm teaching him how to fight more honorably..." He grinned again, "...well Roath, I'd love to spend all day with ya', but if you wouldn't mind, I'd like some time with this lovely lady...please, behave yourself, I wouldn't want to rescue you from the others.." He winked teasingly. Roath grunted and huffed a little, "C'mon now, we can fight dirty next time.."

Picking up a pack that Aro had made him, he looked back toward Sidra and gave a slight look, then a half grin seeing Aro raise a brow toward him. Bowing again he then left toward the building that housed a lot of the members of Casa, himself and Aro included. Aro watched him leave before turning his full attention toward the young woman. "So..how are you liking Casa...and be truthful!" His ears shot alertly forward as he closed their distance and put his hands on her shoulders to keep her facing him. If her head bowed he'd move his right hand to put his index finger beneath her chin to make her gaze up at him. "...maybe we should spar though...I'm sure it will make anything that much more better!" He laughed some trying to make her smile more, or even chuckle.

He couldn't help but think of their last encounter before she'd joined. He did wonder about if it was the affects of their drinking and smoking that made him feel that way about their touching....he did feel something in her presence but tried to push it back. His oceanic eyes peered into her eyes, a glimmer of what he could possibly be thinking shinning through, "..whadda say?" He said trying to keep his mind on track and out of the gutter. What was wrong with him?

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