dripping in gold
Word Count :: 306 I'm guessing this is Drifter Bay areaish. Yes, it's been way too long. Does he? He's an old coot but he's lovely Smile

Sobirat'sya was close and tight-knit, it still surprised Thorn that the clan had allowed in the full-blooded coyote that he had slept with and impregnated. He had two children with her, little rotten children that meant well but knew no manners or polite conversation. He had heard his elders speaking about them like they were the devil themselves and on some days certainly they were possessed by this Christian bogeyman. His homeland had seemed different after their birth and he had waited to return to these lands until they had gotten a bit older. Now they were full grown and there were rumours his daughter was already pregnant as he was readying to leave. He had once known of the packs here and now they had changed, their scents were different and interesting. He smiled at this wolf that stood before him after jumping off her horses' back, she smelled of sea and intrigued him greatly.

She asked if she could help him and he blinked, wondering if she could. Perhaps she assumed he was looking to join this interesting smelling pack? Perhaps he would, someday, but he was too busy to right now. Information would be good though, he knew nothing about the packs around here now. "Maybe you can" his accent had mostly diminished over the years with age but there was still a trace of the Russian lingering behind. "I lived in Syemv and then Aremys very briefly, many years ago coming from Russia. I left and came back and now everything has changed. This pack you come from, that smells like marshy wonderland, can you tell me about it?" He smiled, generous and genial. Taking another swig from his hip flask, he offered it, as was polite although he suspected the lady had a better mind than to take firewater from strangers.

Photo courtesy of fatedsnowfox

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