raise a tempest
OOC: I know right. So many questions. X3

The cat was simply confusing Revena with questions that held no relevance. It was almost as if he were throwing the first question that came to his mind at her, obviously not caring about anything while he cleaned himself. The splotched female shook her head in disbelief. Talking to this feline wasn't getting her anywhere. Why bother prodding him? Well, to her it was because he was asserting himself as more dominant than she, and she wouldn't have that. Well, I'm not afraid of anything. Especially not you. So, I don't see the point of that question. When I asked you if you were scared, it made sense... Revena huffed emphatically. What was the point in explaining herself to this random cat who was lesser than her?

The cat obviously thought lower of her, she could see it in his annoyingly big eyes that took several moments to gaze at her. What a bad day for a stranger to see her. She hadn't been able to maintain her coat the way she usually did. She narrowed her gaze on him, how dare he judge her. He shouldn't be, he was a cat after all. A domestic cat at that. A creature like him shouldn't be able to survive in the forest, destined to be eaten by her or any other hungry canine. Surely his fate would fall into the claws of a hunting predator eventually. Even though he sat there, judging her, she stayed quiet and calm. Although she'd much rather knock him out of that tree and take his fate into her own hands ending his life slowly and painfully. They'd see who was scared then.

Every question she tossed at him was deflected with yet another question. She wouldn't be getting any answers out of him if she kept asking more questions. With a low growl and a sigh, she spoke, her voice more than hinting of her annoyance. Revena Shmit, not that it makes a difference to you. Now that I've answered on of your questions, you have to answer one of mine. Who are you. It's only fair that you tell me now. She didn't expect much from him. He'd probably just turn her question away and ask yet another of his own.

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