Beginning of the wind
OOC: Sorry for the wait -- I don't have as much internet time right now Smile One more post and we're good I think! Let me know which Beginner rank you would like? Smile

The brown-pelted female studied the silver female, her post clearly submissive. The Anasgayv was quite used to strangers seeking a place among their ranks by now: they came by every so often. Sometimes another in the council would greet them, and sometimes it was Ulilohi who found this duty. The strangers varied much as individuals do, not only in personality and skill, but also in the manner in which they approached the tribe. This one knew her place: that much was certain. Aethusa introduced herself and refrained from meeting the Anasgayv's eye. While Ulilohi usually would ask questions to their skill, this one quickly included it in their introduction, and the councilwoman nodded as she listened.

Still, she was not entirely convinced. Skills were all and well, but why was a wolf with such prized abilities on her own and seeking a new place like this? A scar ran across the female's face: what story did it tell? Was she an outcast or a criminal, or merely lost? Her pose didn't seem to indicate that she was the type to defy a pack: she was clearly nervous. A sly criminal seeking to enter their ranks would most likely not behave like that at all, but she would have to ask. Most packs valued their warriors more than to let them slip away, so why was Aethusa alone? "Useful abilities. I am Ulilohi, Council leader of AniWaya. Tell me -- why is it that you have no pack already?"

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