Pass the Time
:: 447

Heiro would’ve liked to save his father from the most likely painful pinch of the crab’s claws, but then he knew Niro couldn’t possibly be his father in that scenario. The thought made Hei sad, so a part of him was happy those things had happened to his daddy in the past, and he was sure his former mohawked father had learned his lesson. With some effort and a little bark, Heiro managed to scramble back up onto the bed and snuggled close to his father’s side. It was okay that his dad couldn’t take him out exploring right now. He understood the man needed rest, and for now, the little two-toned babe was willing to keep him company and maybe even snooze in the afternoon beside him. He was just overjoyed that Niro was finally awake and desperately hoped the sleepiness that seemed to steal over him the in afternoon would stay away so he could spend more time with his father. Of course these were all thoughts in vain, as Heiro’s afternoon nap was approaching like clockwork.

The little tyke let out a yawn before his cool blue eyes focused on his father’s face once more. His giggling from before had ceased while he listened intently to Niro’s explanation. He wanted to know why his father thought he could fit in Heiro’s heart of all places. The battered man spoke of his spirit and this was something Hei understood. Well, had some sort of knowledge about. Ro seemed to be afraid of spirits and claimed he did not have one, but the shadowed wolf pup had told Heiro that most everyone had a spirit and he could see them. A part of the hyrbid didn’t want to believe what Ro had said, but one look in those laughing scarlet eyes told him that Ro was actually telling the truth. Heiro had come to think of a spirit as some sort of pet that followed your around, but Ro said it was an “extension” of a living creature. Hei didn’t know what an “extension” was, but he figured it was something important.

His little head bobbed beside his father’s leg in understanding as Niro propped himself back on the headboard. Haow many pieces of da sprit do we have? He asked, suddenly afraid that if his father’s spirit was in his heart, his mommy’s, Tasha’s, and Jiva’s, that he wouldn’t have enough spirit for himself! Ken it talk? Do aye have a big un? Ken aye see it? Ken you see mine? He bombarded his father with questions as another yawn broke free from his mouth.

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