Homeless and Helpless
OOC: Haha, okay. I do that all the time. X3 Not sure if X'y is coming here, but she'll probably end up carrying him to the Sangi'lak border to get him help. Smile

The puppy reacted almost immediately to her touch as he soft pink tongue came out to lick at his face and neck while her eyes assessed his injuries, his shivers came to a halt as she nuzzled him. A smile cracked on her lips glad that she could be of some help to the helpless pup. It didn't look good though. That bird had grabbed him with it's sharp talons, blood now oozing from deep wounds, covering the small bodied wolf. She continued to do what she was doing, her muzzle moving to lick some of the blood from his fur and try to clean his wounds. She really didn't know what to do when it came to wounds like these and was worried for the pup's life. He whined excitedly and she whined back constantly reassuring him that everything was going to be okay. She turned to see if the bird was still there and there he was, eyes intently watching her movements, waiting for her to leave so he could finish the kill.

Her lips curled back in a snarl at the bird who didn't react knowing he was safe in the tree. The silver Delta returned her attention back the the pup and licked at his wounds gently. As she did so, he gave a yelp which sent Fayne into a panic. Her head retracted, ears pushing back thinking she may have hurt him. The little brown mess scuffled away from her and further underneath the tree route so she could barely reach him now. Fayne gave long low whine as he shivered again, sympathetic for the tattered soul. She thought about what she should do. The best thing she could think of was to take him back to New Dawn so Noah or Deuce could help him, otherwise he would probably die. But, why was a young puppy out here all by himself? Her eyes narrowed in a glare as she glanced at the hawk. It must have carried him away from his family. If that was the case, surely his mother would come find him. She was stuck, not knowing what to do for the lost puppy.

He spoke up and confirmed her worries. Her own ears were pinned against her skull. The pup was scared of her now even though she was here to help. Emerald orbs fell onto his face, her eyes searching his until she noticed how clouded they were. He couldn't see? She knew what that clouded look meant. Noah was blind in one eye and his bad eye looked the same as both of this pup's eyes. Her heart swelled for him even more now knowing that he couldn't see what was happening and how terrified he must be. Fayne spoke in the quietest and kindest voice she had in her. No, I'm not your mother but I won't harm you. She whined again, staying still. She didn't want to scare him any further by invading his safe space. Little one, let me clean your wounds. That bird won't touch you as long as I'm here, I promise. Fayne lay herself on the ground so she could see him clearly underneath the tree, hoping that he would trust her.

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