My mouth is dry with words I can't verbalize

i can't escape the twisted way you think of me
i feel you in my dreams and i don’t sleep

Word Count → 000 || Points → 0 :: Ohhh, you could've let me know and I would've changed the title >.< Well, for next time now you know ! Smile

Rio’s eyes widened, ”You’re teaching your deer how to fight??” She thought it absurd, and it shown in her tone of voice. Her eyes searched for her mare who seemed to gravitate toward the buck; they happily munched together – seemingly getting along already. Her eyes lingered on the two for a short moment before returning to Aro. She found him handsome, but she already learned from past experiences to not get any ideas. She knew she was meant to be alone, forever, since nothing else had worked out since. Despite all her best efforts, she was damned to be solo.

She noticed his change in expression when she explained her living situation, but figured to address the deer issue first. ”Don’t worry about it. It was my choice to leave Anathema, and my choice to come out here. I need some time to think of where I wanna go next.” She looked away from him and fidgeted with her dress. It was a touchy subject for her because she felt like she couldn’t fit in anywhere. She wasn’t ‘worthy’ enough to go anywhere aside from be a loner and stay away from everyone. What did Harlowe do to her?

Back to the deer again, ”Well, I think that’s kind of you. Help the deer protect itself while also having a protector anyway…” Rio looked up to him for a brief moment before returning to stare aimlessly at her dress entwined in her fingers, ”Do you plan on keeping him forever?” She couldn’t imagine having a pet deer, but also couldn’t imagine letting Vitalia go – so maybe her question was a little stupid.

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