I'm never changing who I am

Word Count :: 000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Aeron felt as though charm was pushing her away and she was spending a lot of time giving the calico space. She didn't touch her nor did she ask much. She took her daughter out on some of her trips and still worked to train her to take her place someday. Aeron had decided that tonight was another night she didn't want to be home. She wanted to repair what ever had been damaged but she was sure that her curse had followed her yet again. She feared that she would lose Charm like she lost Zuki, like everything fell apart with Io. Her world her world had fallen once she was almost sick of fighting for it.

Anathema the massive land she helped lead, no matter who came and went this was her home. She sighed as she walked along there was nothing to do in the dead of night. Shou asleep not wanting to be bothered, zen though followed along keeping her master company.

Aeron smiled as she moved along. She slowed as she smelt Naniko. the white Angela made Aeron interested. The two women hardly talked out side of work though they weren't supposed to be the best of friends. Aeron would sort of like to change that. Aeron moved towards the smell she looked out and took a deep breath. Naniko is that you? She asked as she moved around the building.

She wondered what Naniko was doing out here. Maybe something was bothering the white angel. Aeron turned around and looked at her in the dark. She stood slightly lower then Naniko out of respect and looked at her waiting for her to say something back.

table by Marie

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