Sail away to the other side


Vasiliy is by me!

Vasiliy ambled beside her. He did not walk on top of her, but gave her enough room to freely move. Still, they were close enough that anyone who saw them would associate them together, which was his intent. The dark-furred wolf trusted Isabella would remain well-mannered within his home; she'd given no indication otherwise, after all, and Vasiliy was not a suspicious being to begin with.

His ears flicked toward her as she spoke, eyes following. They studied the curve of her torso with that particular pose but only once; his eyes henceforth remained -- forcibly -- at shoulder level. He smiled dreamily all the same and nodded. Aye. Where we meet, is not bad land, but... he shrugged, gesturing with a hand at the tall tree growth around them. There were enough worn paths through the d'Arte lands to provide easy walking for them, but outside of the packlands, the forest could be quite thick.

Hmm... I have stone house, in village, he said. Vasiliy spend much time make better. He hadn't had any visitors in his house since Hotaru -- and for good reason. It was a mess with all the things he'd done to it. With all of the moving and shuffling things about, the granite-colored wolf found his abode unsuitable for the eyes of his packmates. Only his bedroom was orderly -- and that was because it was sparse and bare-bones. He intended to keep it that way. Sleeping space required no adornment and ornate decoration, as Vasi saw it.

Spend time with pack, too, he added, thinking of Dalgina with her carvings and Levent with his cat. He liked all his fellow d'Arte members well enough, but he didn't know if he could quite refer to them as friends. Boring Vasiliy, he said, his voice a half-mutter. What you do? You have pack? He was realizing he knew little about her, and perhaps it was best to ask questions of her, too -- that way, he would not seem quite so inadequate.

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