Wrinkles in the Sky
With the otter dead Tharin settled down for a meal, looking over to Jiva first. He was the one that was hungry after all. His tail raised high as Jiva appeared to challenge him, his own tail high. Tharin took on a strong dominant stance, claiming the otter before him. He stepped forward, silently telling Jiva that the other otter that was caught was his as well, and to drop it. He would take claim of both kills before he allowed Jiva to eat. He was the one in charge after all.

As soon as the otter was set down Tharin dragged it over to where the one he'd killed was. He stood over both of them, waiting for a clear sign of submission from the male. His head cocked a little as Jiva spoke about water skins. Why the alphas would want such things he didn't know. They already had perfectly good skins attached to them. They didn't need anything more to it. He wasn't even too sure how Jiva was planning on skinning it.

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