Call to Hunt
His partner's cry joined him, alerting him that help was on the way. Grinning he watched the elk, greed in his eyes. This would feed quite a few members when he took it down. His tail swayed rapidly, making sure to keep pace with the elk as it moved, snorting with panic as it tried to return to the group. Kiara joined him, Tharin whining softly at her for a moment before his attention returned to the elk, measuring how they would drive it.

A sharp lunge from Kiara sent the elk back a step, Tharin panting with excitement. Growling he leaped forwards as well, the elk doing it's best to drive off the predators. They could smell the blood now though, sending Tharin into a slight frenzy. The elk shivered when it hit the water, and tried to make a break. Tharin leaped forwards, swiftly blocking the escape. Rearing the elk did it's best to break out, but they had boxed it in well.

Focus and determination brought Kiara to the forefront of her game. Powerful muscles moved in perfect harmony as she used all the strength her species gave her. Although she was a lot smaller than Thairn, Kiara would not let her size bring her down. Vicious growls and a powerful set of jaws to back them up, intimidated the elk. Kiara's tail moved swiftly from side to side as she regained her position, adjusting it to make sure the elk was boxed in.

Working together and in perfect harmony, the two wolves managed to drive their prey a single step into the river. The icy water was quick and made a visible impact on the shivering elk. It tried to make another break, but Tharin was quick to block it's path. Although the snowy female desired to rush in as well, she held her ground and acted as a permanent wall to prevent the elk's escape. Once the elk was back in place, Kiara pushed forward. She lunged a step and held her ground, growling and yipping at the elk.

Further and further the elk went in, the icy water and large riving zapping the elks, strength. Kiara didn't want to push the elk too far in, otherwise they would have to get wet in order to eat. The predators walked a thin line. Drive the elk too far, and it makes a break for the other shore. Don't drive it enough and the water is ineffective.

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