sun and moon
This cat definitely took the cake when it came to confusing him. Tharin whined a little as the cat continued to speak logically about what he was doing, arguing about what would be the better move to make. He followed along the cat's train of thought, snorting a little as he realized that the cat was reasoning as well as any canine might be expected to. How was he supposed to deal with that? It didn't seem very logical at all.

She won't be looking for me. I'll probably be a few hours behind when I do find her trail. Then I call. Whining again he lowered his head, looking up at the cat. Why can you talk? He had no idea how he was supposed to deal with something so intelligent in his life. Everything he had ever understood had effectively been turned on it's head in this instance, sending Tharin to wonder if he really knew anything.

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