Pass the Time
Word Count :: 305 OOC: Le gasp, those are hard questions to answer woman!!

Niro cringed as he forgot, no matter how mature he seemed, Heiro was still a pup and still learning, but he supposed this was also a good way to learn is if he used bigger words himself, at least the boy would ask if he did not know “Infinite is something that is never ending, there will always be more of, with what we are talking about now.” He said, feeling satisfied. He grinned at the boy when he said he could feel his spirit and Niro nodded happily knowing the boy was catching onto what Niro said. Then the boy asked questions that went deep, deeper than anything a pup his age asked him, or he had even ever thought of.

“The thing is, you can never be too far away from my spirit or anyone else’s you love. It is the type of spirit that doesn’t have life in it, but love, and that’s what you keep with you, so spirits can’t get stuck and even when a loved one dies their love spirit I guess you can call it, stays with all they love, you are a smart kid, you’ll understand more soon enough though, When you’re older I’m sure.” Niro said, it was his way of saying that’s enough questions, which also translated into I don’t think I can answer anything deeper than that, but to a child it was just an answer saying that’s as good as you are going to get. Niro knew little of spirits or death and he didn’t want to care to find out more, especially since he killed many wolves defending himself a s a young boy. He didn’t want to find out exactly what was going on in their heads or where they were headed once they died.

Photo courtesy of Joseph Robertson

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