Anything But a Farmer
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ooc: Permission granted to PP Zeus

Getting the communal area back into the control of the family was a feat the she-wolf was beginning to fear was too far out of her reach to achieve. But in hearing Asgeir's words she was rejuvenated with hope and released a deep breath of relief, with her smile growing all the more brightly. "Yes sir," she agreed. "It will be nice to wake up for once without a chicken or a nosy piglet posting around the rooms." No doubt these invasive creatures were setting her new charge on edge. Had she been without sight in a strange place as the dens were becoming, undoubtedly she would have woken with in a fright each time. And it was a small terror she wanted to spare the blind pup from. Knowing he was alone in her quarters waiting her return quickened her pace considerably, nearly dragging her companion with her.

Her thoughts were on the child, until again the merchant's voice graced her ears. Looking to him, she noticed then how lengthened her strides had become and quickly fell back into a moderate pace, sharing a little smile of apology before replying. "Yes sir... he is not here. He and my Nomad brother left to speak with other packs that we knew of. They have...been gone for quite some time." Perhaps to a stranger information of the like would have been disadvantageous, or even threatening to the Family for another to know of its weak standing. But she took comfort in confiding in the either male. Afterall, he would be made as part of the family. And his actions conveyed his willingness to accept this new concept.

Silent worries she had had were answered in the concerns he voiced. How he would handle his longing for the Endless Path then return to the lands he would call home. Her tail swayed merrily along, finding it near impossible to be anything but happy regardless of the obstacles they neared. "We do not yet have a merchant," she admitted. "But I suppose if one were to inquire about it, the role would be assumed.... especially by one that has extensive knowledge of trade routes and a comfort in being on the road. So long as he returned home."

Reaching the softer soil of the dens' entrance, she slipped her arm from his and held up a finger to silently ask for his patience. The smell of livestock was strong even without being fully inside the common area, and did not help that some of the bolder animals were attempting to sneak out into the sunlight again. Rather than corral them all, she simply waded through the collected bodies, returning the little piglet to his friends, and went to retrieve her charge from her quarters. And as she thought, a chicken was on the verge of terrorizing her pup.

With a soft growl to alert him of her presence she carefully scooped up the little one in her arms, insuring his hide wrappings had not come undone in the move. Softly she told him they were going outside, while edging the chicken out of her room with her foot. Her steps were slow as she again waded through the numerous bodies mainly for the sake of the pup, but also to avoid stepping on any of the smaller animals...or what they left behind. She could not wait to get this problem under control.

With a relieved breath of the smell of the clear air, she cradled the pup against her with one arm and extended the other in gesture to the livestock crowded den. "To answer your question, I expect from you what I expect from all of our family members; dedication to your Family. Keep yourself strong to protect us, make yourself of value to your family. And of course... make yourself open to what these lands have to offer, be it nothing more than rest or purpose. Your role will be found with time, just as we all walk through life and find our places within it. But for now...Asgeir."

In all her exuberance and all her smiles, she could not fully conceal the weight of fatigue that pressed upon her shoulder. Relinquishing ceremony and would-be presentation, she lowered her head humbly with paw extended to the elder male. A Nomad gesture in placing a decision upon him. "Your family needs you and the skills you offer."

736 words.

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