Bring your blood to a boil.
OOC: Sorry I took so long...I had a post but then my internet went out and poofed it. Tongue Maybe they could hunt and share what they know about healing and what not? :3

The ocean wasn't doing much in terms of bringing her blood down from a boil. Her fur was wet and her skin cold, but her blood coursed as hot as molten lava through her veins. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, each beat warming her even more. Her snarl never faded, even as she stared out into the ocean, past the waves and into the calm water. Waves continued to crash against her, daring to knock her over, but she payed no notice to them and was pushed by each new wave. She couldn't wipe away the blond's face from her mind, nor Kohaku's face when he carved his first scar into the silver fae. She was teaching him lessons that would stick with him from now until forever and there was no way they could be erased. Fayne was also hating herself for not saving Kohaku and probably would until the pup was back in safety, even them she had herself to blame if he was screwed up by Amy's evil clutches. Fayne growled loudly again and slapped the water with clawed hands before ducking completely under as a wave washed over top of her.

She came back up soaking from head to toe and still, she could feel her insides burning. The Delta hadn't noticed Jiva as he padded to the edge of the water and called out to her. She heard something faint disrupted by all the waves but payed no mind to it nor his scent, the salty air filling her watery nostrils. It wasn't until she heard splashing behind her that she turned to see him, her face revealing all of the anger she was feeling. It was quickly hidden under a softened expression and pushed back ears. This was her pack brother, she didn't want him to see her like this. A wave pushed her towards him and she took several steps towards him to where the water was only washing past her calves. Jiva, what are you doing here? She tried to put on a fake smile, the smile she always tried to use, but it wasn't much of a smile. I was just training before you showed up, when did you get here? She said, tipping her head to the side. Her body was submissive, even to him despite her rank. Her emotions were getting in the way of everything and fogging her mind.

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