Homeless and Helpless
OOC: Crappy post. :/

Fayne gazed up at the odd colored female as she told of what she was able to do. The Delta nodded. She understood that this needed to be done if the puppy were to survive. She glanced down at him giving him a few more licked as the woman spoke. He was still bleeding and if it continued, he would doe. Fayne stood up as Zues was lifted from underneath her and she stepped away, sitting herself down so she could watch her as she worked on the frail puppy. The whole time she worked on him, he looked to be in pain, wiggling and squirming in her hands. Fayne's ears were pinned to her head knowing this was for the best but wishing she could take his suffering away.

The woman looked down at Fayne and a smile shone on her face, she bobbed her head as well accepting her gratitude. Yes. He needs help and your pack is the closest. If it came to it, I probably would have brought him to your borders. Fayne's tail started to wag behind her. Of course she would come see him in a few days. It was part of her duty to see if he was alright, it was her who had come to his rescue from that nasty bird. She turned to head to look at the tree. He was still perched, looking down on all three of them. Little did he know, he wouldn't be making a meal out of Zues, not today. Her ears perked as Zues squealed, still complaining. He was okay now but was probably still in a panic from all that had transpired. She called out to him, voice soft. Zues, you're safe now. No need to worry any longer. She smiled up at the woman. You can expect me at your borders in a few days them. I trust he's in good hands. Fayne was a good judge of character. This woman was going to take proper care of little Zues.

Fayne tilted her head realizing she didn't know the woman's name. Before you go. Can I get your name? I'm Fayne Gremory, New Dawn's Delta. It would be nice to know who I am calling out for when I come to your border. She said, beaming up at the two-legged she-wolf. Fayne was glad to have helped someone today, instead of sitting around waiting for Amy to show up. Amy wasn't here though, and the puppy was safe.

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