Bring your blood to a boil.
Word Count :: 336 OOC: is ok!! and that sounds perfect!! they could find his book after they go hunting lol.

Jiva could see the anger in her eyes and he shrank back, it wasn’t hard for him to form a submissive posture towards the woman, he respected her, cared for her and she was a sister, there was no hard feeling toward her and she hid her anger behind a mask which scared Jiva even more. Her words were probably part lie part truth but he wouldn’t say that He blinked at her question for a second and opened his mouth; “I’ve been here for a little while sister, enough to know you are distressed, perhaps we can find some refuge in the wood and maybe take down something to eat?” He offered, she seemed aggressive to the thought of a vision that happened a while ago but had put on a submissive posture towards him which made him worry more. He tucked his tail between his legs and moved out of the water a bit, letting the tide reject him from the ocean.

He stood on the beach, but did what he could to keep close just in case something did happen; “I know you are angry about Amy, but we will do everything we can to find and get rid of her. I promise.” He didn’t know all the details so he knew very little of Kohaku or what he did himself. He looked at Fayne’s chin giving her a slight smile and nodding his head toward the wood that waited, inviting him and hopefully her. His legs were wet and his tail was ratty now that it too was wet, but he cared little of his own appearance, even forgot about the knife he now owned on his back leg or he would have pulled it out of its leather holding before rushing into the water. It was still secure on his leg, but he did not move to see if it would rust. He was more worried about getting the woman’s mind in the right direction.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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