My mouth is dry with words I can't verbalize
I PMed you Smile [WC: 300 || Points: #]

Rio fell silent as she thought of the possibilities she could have at Casa di Cavalieri. It did sound nice, but she didn’t want to jump into anything yet. She had a house in Greater Halifax that was suitable for right now, and she had ‘tenants’ to live with her. She was good for the moment. Aro’s nudge brought her back to Earth and she looked up and smiled at him. ”I would like to get to know you more,” her usual shyness fell away unexpectantly. Somehow she felt that she could relate to him, despite the secret that they were both unaware of. ”I think you’re cool. Me and you would get along better than most others… Even though we just met.”

Rio snapped out of her little sentimental moment. She paused and looked away, out into the ocean. ”Okay, that was a little weird. Sorry.” She smiled at him awkwardly and quickly changed the subject, ”I’ll think about Casa di Cavalieri… The idea of it sounds awesome.” She could really see herself joining a pack in the future.

”You know… Being the pack clown could have its advantages… Maybe you should talk to your dad about a co-rank involving entertainment…” She could see someone, like a jester, entertaining others when they desperately needed it or providing entertainment for puppies. ”You could be the one who entertains the alphas!” She joked with him, nudging him back with a big smile. She imagined him juggling and riding a bike with one wheel. ”Or you could help watch the puppies and keep them busy.” Maybe he could provide a cute, little puppet show for the pups. Being an entertainer didn’t sound all that bad to Rio. Her pretty eyes fell upon the other, hoping his reaction to her ideas would be positively good.

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