to russia and back again
Word Count :: 345 That was a fun thread!

Black tipped ears twitched and he relaxed his posture a tiny bit more. This was going quite well! Thorn's tail wagged a little quicker and he smoothed out his fedora for the hundredth time. Saul's news of a brewery confirmed the traces of a scent that he had followed to these borders. He was anxious to see the brewery proper, perhaps he could meet others that could aid in the repair of the building or even get them to apprentice under his skills. The last thing they would want would be the old Luperci dying before he had a chance to pass the recipe down. He had learned the brewing techniques from an uncle and now, finally he would be able to show others how to brew a good pint. The Russian couldn't help but imagine great feasts, with deer roasting over fires and wooden cups of good, strong ale. This is what he hoped to bring to Vinátta, good times. "Yes. Good idea. Perhaps we involve more of pack in brewery things, then have feast when beer is bottled. Just a thought."

The one worry, his love of Mary Jane, was easily resolved with a shrug of the leader's shoulders and a cautionary rule. Thorn listened carefully and nodded quickly, it was never his intention to encourage anyone who did not already know of the stuff. Surely Saul didn't think he would intoxicate the puppies? That would be foolish and unnecessary, they would most likely find out about it on their own when they were older and exploring the ruins. "I keep that to myself. I cause no worries." It was then that Saul said the words that Thorn hadn't realized he had longed to hear, Would you mind following me to Jordheim? A smile plastered itself onto Thorn's muzzle and he stood, immediately placing his fedora on his head and smoothing out the slightly wrinkled kilt. "Da. Would like to very much." This was his new home. As he walked his tried to quietly stretch his legs, maybe he was getting older.

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