bite your tongue

Recovered post here.

Neela wasn’t entirely sure what she had been expecting, but it wasn’t anger. Confusion maybe, or fear but Tony’s anger was completely unexpected and put Neela on guard instaltly, one arm dropping to cover her stomach and the other tensing up with claws unsheathed before her subconscious had even registered that it was Tony who was before her, not some stranger.

Tony’s words hit a nerve as well and Neela snapped back, teeth bared and a growl in her throat, "Well its not like I’ve had much chance ta tell you is it?! Ye’v been creepin around, barely around me expect night an even then ya try an keep away. Ye goin on about me being afraid then how come ye haven’ had the balls ta look me in the fuckin’ face for nearly a week!?" She ranted angrily, body going into autopilot and stalking towards Tony. A red haze seemed to fill her eyes and her mind as overtaken by an irrational anger; almost two weeks worth of doubt – why was Tony avoiding her, did he still love her? – and general paranoia and anger bundled up and given target. Neela stepped forwards, her protective hand also rising with claws showing themselves.

And then Tony hugged her and the haze lifted. Neela’s head jerked like she had been slapped and her eyes dropped down to her hand. Claws outstretched, inches away from Tony’s kidney. Slowly Neela’s claws slid back into their sheaths, then her hand started shaking. Unbidden a memory rose into Neela’s mind of a time when she hadn’t stopped, when she had had a knife resting at her hip. Guilt rushed into her mind; what the hell had she been thinking?! But she hadn’t been thinking, hormones and a bad mood and Tony’s tactlessness, it had all rolled together and formed a big knot of anger which had forced itself free and she had nearly lost control. Again

Neela tried to push out of Tony’s hug but there was no strength to it, the hand pushing against his chest shaking and weak, Tony’s hand down her spine inviting and soothing. "I… no, I’m sorry. I’ll go." she muttered as she tried to back off, eyes downcast and ears not really hearing what Tony was saying

Word Count :: +000

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