bite your tongue
A red haze fell over Tony also. His thick claws making themselves know. He'd never hurt Neela, not unless it was in self defence. And now, with him at risk of being injured himself, he was ready to fight. 'Ya think this is ma fault? Ah've been keepin' away from ya because 'a this! Y' flyin' off the fuckin' handle out o' th' blue! It's not exactly welcomin'!' Tony was a formidable wall as he stood up against Neela, thick and tall, with anger in his eyes. He wasn't the type of person you'd particularly enjoy angry. But then again neither was Neela.

His embraced calm him however, ignoring the closeness of Neela's claws to his body. She tried to pull away but Tony kept a tight grip on her. 'C'mon' he sighed, lifting her head upwards his own. 'We gotta talk 'bout it sometime, Neela...' he pointed out, continuing to trace her spine gently. 'We're gonna 'ave to make a plan or summin'. 'Cause ah ain't letting y' do this by y' self...' No, he was going to stay by her side diligently. It was his duty after all. And what would his father say if he didn't? Surely he'd be very ashamed.

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