And please just save me if you can
Word Count :: 316Geh, sucky fail post big time.

Hands fluttered all around herself, brushing fur down and making one last ditch effort to make herself up as best she could, quickly dropping arms loosely on either side of herself as she awaited for some form of response from within the house she stood before. Inhaling a shallow breath she was glad for her thinner summer coat that had come through, although not as beautiful as her winter it made the heat that was pounding down upon her slightly more bearable. “Hey there handsome, miss me?” the words were spoken in a purr as she stepped forward so that she could wrap her arms around his waist, wanting to touch him now that she had seen him and seeing no reason not to. Ocean orbs flicking over to Ciaran and a somewhat shy smile worming it's way into her expression, “And Ciaran too, good to see you my fine cat” she greeted the cat as well, treating him as if he were no different then the other pack members she spoke with, even if he was a feline over a canine.

“Soo, you see Nier, I may of happened to have... acquired a stay of sorts recently as you may see” removing a hand from Nier's waist she leant back, her hand reached up and briefly scratched the kitten who seemed to be rather jumpy all of a sudden. “I'd like to introduce you to Anberlynn-Marlene-Leonardo, or Leo, Leon and a fair few other nick names” grinning slightly she stroked the small cats head lightly once more before returning her hand to Nier's body. Smiling innocently she awaited to see her dark knight's reaction to her latest pet and creative naming sense, not that she saw anything wrong with the names she gave her companions, seeing each one as unique and a good fit to all five of her little critters who occupied her house.

Photo courtesy of Analog Weapon, texture by SweettEmottion

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