Heavy Heart
I was able to recover this post

Zalen had taken some time to himself, especially now that Titania was fat with child. She had taken refuge in a birthing den some days ago, and even the dark Alpha was afraid to venture too close, as she had made it very clear no one was to disturb her privacy. Even so, he lingered nearby, taking the solitude as an opportunity to think on things.

He knew his pack was on edge because of the Sunders dog, and even though they all had stepped up patrols of the borders and most had kept themselves within the pack lands, he knew it would be long before he had to gather some of his members to go looking for her. They had to be proactive in their pursuit of her, otherwise the threat would always be in the back of their minds.

Zalen was lying the shade of a tree, chewing on an antler that had been shed by its original owner. The monotonous motion of his jaw against the bone was soothing, but he did note that someone was coming, so he abandoned his toy to go out to meet them; he didn’t want anyone getting too close to Titania. After a quick jaunt, he found that it was Tharin, Brother. Zalen said, coming up to bump his Gamma on the nose, his tail wagging.

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