New heart beats
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH Axelle Naiper FOR THIS AWESOME CHART! X3 <3[WC:2765 | Pts: ? I'm such a noob]

Aethusa was not quite expecting to be asked why she joined Aniwaya. She didn't want to sound like a wimp so her best explanation was... "Well- why I needed and wanted to join Aniwaya was because if I were to have any pups they wouldn't be alone if I died, and if I remained a loner and didn't let the father enter my pup's life, which I probably might've, or will do, they would die because of predators so, mainly it's so my future family's protection. That's if a male is brave enough to be my mate." She said her last sentence with a smirk, putting her hands back on her hips. She began to forget about the spirit like voice, it only disturbed her a little. She was guessing that this wolf wasn't liking her at all. She knew it was rare that people would like her for who she really is. Her sassy remarks, that only show some days, can cause complete melancholy to the people around her, so that's why other creatures tend to steer away from Aethusa. Quite harsh on Aethusa's heart, but strangely she's learned to deal with any situation she puts herself in except for sexual relationships then she's a dope.

"We should get going, I'm starting to smell rain." Aethusa then jumped into her Lupine form and took off down one of the streets.

Oh how it feels good to be rained on! She thought as it started to sprinkle, she hated water to play in or take a bath in, but she loved water that rained and that she could drink. The feathers blowing behind her left ear she felt free. But then she realized, she had given up most of her free rights when she joined the pack, she was a free she-wolf when she was a lone lonely loner. Which, did kind of bother her, then the weight of the world was put back onto her shoulders. My little sacrifice. She thought, she didn't like responsibilities but she would just have to deal with it like everything else.

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