In the arms of Safety.
OOC: Table lazy!!! Haha! She's a noob at it too. It'd be funny to see what she'd do. X3

Good thing Noah had came. She was on the verge of a breakdown and then he showed up and turned everything around. Now, she had a smile back on her face and the unavoidable happiness that filled her when she was around him. She thought back to how naive she had been about him, not knowing what her silly heart was telling her until he asked her to be his mate. Now, he was hers and she'd never let him go. Bright forest green eyes looked him over. He really was handsome. His scars were simply adornments that made him increasingly more intriguing. They told her that he'd been through a lot and he'd survived, he was strong. His eyes were beautiful, as if looking into the sky itself.

The stormy man came close and his touch seemed to send a tingle through her body. She hadn't experienced much of his touch, or any other male's touch, and his had an effect on her. The silver fae leaned into him and rubbed her cheek up against his as he came close letting his scent fill her nose. Her eyes closed as she did this taking every bit of him in with all her senses. The woman had butterflies filling her gut, nervous but so happy at the same time. All of this was so new to her. His hand came to motion her head up and she followed his persuasions looking him straight in the eye with a soft smile. She nodded. Though, the thought of going to another pack frightened her. She hadn't ever heard about Casa before, nor how the canines there lived but if that's what she had to do to become stronger then that's what she would do. Okay Noah. I really do want to be more than I am right now. I may be Delta, but there's not much I can do. But I'll become something, I will help this pack. I love you all. Just the thought of her pack mates warmed her heart. This was her family now and a great family they were.

Her ears twitched at his next words. He had a feline friend? Her head tilted slightly as she looked up at him curiously. A feline? No matter. I'm fine with that Noah. She smiled. The man was so passionate and caring, probably the best thing about him. Her hands dropped to his chest where her fingers ran through his fur. He pressed his nose to hers and spoke, her smile widened a considerable amount and a giggle escaped her lips. I love you too Noah, I mean that. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I won't go alone, okay? She pushed past his muzzle and nuzzled his scruff, his words making her absolutely giddy. Her muzzle ran up along his neck and rested on his shoulder with a happy sigh. I never thought I would be so happy. Then you came along and proved me wrong. You're amazing.

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