[M]Uncaged and raged

She loved Aeron more then anything in the word, but the pain of not letting her beloved know what happened was eating away at her, she needed to talk to her. She needed to talk to her, she hated that at night Aeron would slip away, and she hated during the day that they would look, but not touch. For the first time in many moons the female was going to brave it and head out without her shoulder wrapped. The banned visible to any and all that would wish to lay their eyes upon her. The Sawtooth lady felt like she was committing a sin, going out without the bandage. The marking upon her shoulder was artfully done though, it covered up the scar that was left by the small little run in she had with a knife;. The female knew that this had to be done, it sickened her to think about the fight that was going to come about of this, but the female wanted them to be back on a page where they could at least look at each other...Charm couldn’t look at her, without feeling a ping of sorrow.

Placing one of her of beloved capes around her, she covered her shoulder, the pain was burning, and the Sawtooth lady felt naked without the bandage upon her shoulder, covering up her shame. The calico female walked into the area where she had only foolishly assumed that Aeron would be in. Her sad lalic eyes looked and seen her beloved mate going at it with a boxing bag, Charm would rather her beloved take her anger and rage out on the bag then she would any living animals, she sighed and pulled the cape up to her nose, taking in the scent of Aeron .

With a quick sound, and a blink of her saddened eyes, she saw that happened to the once sly and stunning fox. Was now weak and slowly and painfully dying at the hands of Aeron’s rage. She gasped watching as Aeron toyed with the creature, he was only snapping at her out of fear, the animal loving she wolf could see that in the crimson creature. Charm snarled as she ran out into the feild. ”Kill it...God damn it just kill it...you’ve hurt it enough...” The female was not a healer, but she could see that the animal wanted to end its life.”Kill it now, or kill me...”

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