baa baa black sheep, have you any wool

Sorry for the wait love. Kinda ignored the computer while entertaining a certain somone. XD

Inferni. So that was where this female's injuries came from. Aiden had heard bits and pieces of a conflict between Dahlia and the coyote clan, but he hadn't cared all that much for the details. After all, he wasn't involved directly, and things were never quite as simple as they appeared. There were just as many depraved, psychopathic wolves in this world as there were other creatures. It was one of the reasons the Oriel had decided to forego becoming involved with any one group of canines for awhile: What could begin as an individual's act of stupidity could escalate into an all-out war or vendetta between clans. Case in point: The current conflict. Aiden didn't know how the war had begun, but there was no doubt in his mind it was probably over something simple and stupid.

A charming half-smile pulled at the male's lips as his exhausted companion spoke. He knew the feeling of being useless all too well, and couldn't blame the girl for wanting to alter the situation. Well, as admirable as your reason may be, wandering off your packlands alone in your condition wasn't the most intelligent thing to do. After all, with a war going on, a war which involves you directly, you'd be easy and tempting prey for your enemy. As if to emphasize his point, the large were leaned in a bit closer, his smile taking on just a hint of mischief. For that matter, how do you know I'm not involved with Inferni somehow? You could be in a fairly ugly situation, now that you've told me you were involved in a skirmish between the clan and Dahlia. I'm surprised to find someone so blatantly naive and trusting in times like these. The black male quirked a brow as he withdrew, settling again into a crouch a bit farther away.

The stranger's last comment drew a dry chuckle from the Oriel son, his bright blue eyes sparkling in the splintered sunlight of the woods. I'm trying to decide whether to be amused or insulted that you think I look like a female. Either way, you'd be surprised how much I hear comments such as yours. I'm assuming your friend is black? Apparently everyone thinks all ebony wolves are somehow related. He sighed dramatically as he crossed his legs beneath him, lowering himself completely to a seated position. So tell me, who is this friend I seem to remind you of?

Table by Tay


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