Don't give up on us

Amaranth approached Kable earlier about something that had been troubling her. It turned out that there mother had gone to collect her flowers and hadn’t returned. It wasn’t the first time that Ayita had gone off, but as far as his memory served, she had never been gone so long without informing anyone. He felt that since his sister was worried about her, he had good reason to be concerned too. Behind the inn that he lived in was a barn of sorts that he kept Archer in. Sliding the large door open the hybrid scared the stallion, he whined from the loud thud of the door hitting the wall. He put a calming hand on the horses nose and ran it up to the top of its head and scratched between his ears. Hey partner, ready to get going? Large pool like brown eyes watched him. The Catori got the horse all ready to go meet the husky woman. Yyaahhh! He gave him a light kick to get him going, and the barn Archer raced.

It took almost no time before the red and white colored woman came into view. His sister was much more of a warrior than he could ever be. The fact that she asked him to come along didn’t boost his confidence. If things got ugly and some kind of fight erupted who would back her up, the guy who couldn’t fight for crap? He didn’t imagine having to fight; they only needed to find their mother. Are we ready to get go? He asked, not sure if they would just take off or make some sort of game plan.


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