Tracking you down
The female had found out that deep in the caves laid a library, and within that library there was a wonderful amount of books. Books, that where about everything and anything that any canine or even human could ever dream of needing, or even wanting. However Charm was interested in love stories, anything and everything about fairy tale romance. Charm was such a girly girl. She loved the old human tail of Romeo and Juliet, it was everything that she loved…action, but there was a forbid love. A love that in the end was worth the price of their death. Charm would die for Aeron, she would take her own life if it meant that Aeron would and could live free of any pain for the rest of her time on this earthen plane and any and every other. Flipping the page, the female sighed as she sifted her weight around as she allowed her mind to escape from the walls of the pack den, and then this magical world back when humans walked on the earth, with a dreamy sigh the female shut her eyes hugging the book, the pressure hurt her shoulder that had been marked.

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