Just say G'day and you'll be right
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Io's ears flickered with the movements of the small quoll pup. 'Mischief?' she echoed, raising an eyebrow with an amused smirk. 'Remind me to craft a cage' she mused mentally, looking up to them golden male and smiling. 'A hunter you say? Well, extra food is most welcome' she commented softly. Silver eyes floated down to the smaller creature and back up to the bigger adult. Rats were a common enough problem for livestock tenders and having something to hunt them would be useful enough. Especially if it was exotic like these tiger quolls.

Having secured in her mind that the creature had use aside from being cute and rare, Io was much more happy with her prior made decision to take up the offer of a new pet. But of course she still had questions to ask, though they were insignificant ones. 'How easy are they to train?' she asked, silver eyes moving back up to the golden male.

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