Fading but holding on
à cœur vaillant rien d'impossible

Word Count → 324

These past few months had put the world into perspective for the sun prince. It was not a place of light and warmth, of open lands and allies. It was not a storybook where good triumphed over evil.

His mother had been attacked.

Skoll raced across the Kingdom, muscles contracting tirelessly as his four paws pulled him closer and closer to home. His tongue spilled from his jaws, but his green eyes were wide open with desperation and panic. He didn’t even halt at the feel of hot pavement on his pads, which tore on the gravel as he sprinted faster than he’d ever sprinted before.

He had been removed from Court life lately, other than occasionally coming to see the injured Niro. As such, news of his mother’s assault had only just reached him, and now he was panicked. What if she didn’t make it? What would she think if her golden son showed up late? He had already caused a rift in the family, separating himself from his dark brother and his privileged sister. What kind of person would he be if he didn’t tend to his own mother?

The wolfdog finally reached the building, using paws and nose to open it in an old trick he learned since before he could shift. His lupus form was a comfort for him now, and he did feel like a child rather than the brutish teenager he’d grown up to be. He was scared, and ashamed, and he made his way to the room quickly, his tail tucked and his ears flat against his broad head.

Seeing the brown she-wolf sprawled on the floor, her body battered and bruised, was almost too much for Skoll. He whimpered and ran to her side, crouching close on the furs and leaning forward to nuzzle her tenderly. “Mama,” he whispered, falling into childish speech. “Mama, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner, I love you, please…”

table by raze; template from the mentors

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