draw a line
1,402 words! :O I kinda went all out on this one. Teme's in for one hell of a shock. 10+4

Niernan had decided to bring Bran on his patrol today, relishing the time that he an his brother had alone, giving both of them time to finally catch up. When they had been wandering in the wild and forced to spend each and every day together, they had been at each others throats. But now that they lived in a pack and their lives were taking different paths they hardly saw each other. Nier was often patrolling, helping with building, training Darcy or spending time with Grace. While Bran was usually patrolling at different times, pursuing his carpentry or partaking in little projects all around Vinattas lands. It was only when both men led alone in their beds that they ever realised it had been such a long time that they had seen each other, or even spoken more than a greeting to each other. The last time they had spent much time together had been Eclipse's feast. Bran was far too manly to ever admit that he missed his brother, but Niernan had taken care of that, calling on the caramel furred man the day before and revealing how he felt and how he desired time with his brother. It was a reassurance to Niernan that his brother felt the same when Bran had practically leaped at the chance to spend time with him.

So now they were patrolling, walking side by side, playing and teasing each other like they had always done. Nier was aware that those in the pack that didn't quite know them as well as the core members saw them as fools, the hopeless, Irish idiots that were constantly playing, but Nier was ok with that, and Bran didn't care. They were both just happy that they could bring at least a little joy to the pack every now and then. A small period of comfortable silence had fallen between them but Nier could see the sideways glances and smirks that Bran was sending him. Finally he snapped, What Bran!? Just ask me. He half shouted, laughter lacing his words. His brother laughed as well, his heavier Irish accented tones revealing his thoughts, "Ah brother, you're hopeless against me! I was wondering when you were gonna tell me all about your lady friend and how in love you are." Nier gasped and looked playfully shocked, as if scandalised by Brans words. But how did you know, dear brother. We were keeping it a secret. He laughed, a besotted grin spreading across his muzzle, momentarily putting aside the play he stopped walking and looked at his brother, cyan eyes meeting sparkling mahogany. You remember back in the Solbjorg, when we were nought but pups and Ele was fascinated by love and all that? She kept asking Mam how she knew she was in love with Da, and Mam would say that she just knew. Well, He paused, shrugging his shoulders and sighing, With Grace, I just know, ya know? He asked. Bran smiled wryly and shook his head, "No brother, I don't know. But I'm more than glad you've found yourself a girl." Bran clapped him on the shoulder and they carried on walking, falling back into step with each other, the mood slightly less playful, but still upbeat. Bran shoulder bumped Niernan, sending the dark Stormbringer slightly off course, "I like her. She seems like she won't let ya get away with anything. Strong girl that one." He said, laughing as Niernan sighed and gave him a look, Aw brother, you're gonna tease me about being whipped all me life, aren't ya? The caramel man laughed loudly, throwing his head back and guffawing, affirming Niernans fears.

They had just reached the North-eastern border of the pack-lands and Bran had managed to reign in his mirth so that now he only giggled in small bursts, Nier was trying to look offended but couldn't help the smile that kept fighting its way onto his muzzle. His face suddenly fell as he scented something on the border that shouldn't be there. he stopped abruptly and followed the scent trail, his face full of dismay as he realised that the familiar smell crossed the border line and disappeared off into the neutral lands. Bran looked at his brother, concerned by his sudden change in mood. Nier sighed and looked back, Teme's been here. He's crossed the borders." Brans face became troubled then, realising what Niernan already had; their time together had been cut short. Nier had thought that he had taught his nephew the lesson he needed to know about the borders the day he had caught him greeting a stranger alone. It seemed the boy had forgotten that lesson in all the excitement of becoming an 'adult.' In all honesty the boy was just that; a boy. He thought himself grown up and able to protect himself because he could shift now, when they were young Bran and Niernan had felt exactly the same way, it was their Uncle Emeris that had taught them differently. Emeris had given them the scare of their lives, Nier had been half convinced that his large uncle was going to kill Bran when he had found them a mile outside the Solbjorg all alone with no weapons, his jaws had been around Brans throat and Niernan couldn't even move he was that scared. It was after that incident that Emeris taught them how to fight, Bran choosing the bo-staff and Niernan the skains.

There was no uncle Emeris to go out and teach Teme, so Nier figured it was up to him. Bran saw the resolve in his brothers face and nodded, "I'll go back to Jordheim, tell Saul where you've gone." He said, his voice now concrete and weary. Nier gave a small, weary smile, Thanks Bran. I'll be back soon. He said before turning away and bursting into a sprint, following the faint paw tracks that would inevitably lead him to his miscreant nephew. He looked up from his run, rolling his eyes as he noticed the general direction that the tracks were heading in; Amherst. It was natural for the boy to be curious and want to explore, but surely he could have asked someone to go with him. Surely he should know that it wasn't safe to venture out on his own, not after what happened to his step mother and Coli. the thought of Teme thinking that he was immune from harm and trouble only served to increase Niernans anger. He snarled as he slowed to a jog, his ears pricking as he caught the sound of a familiar tune on the wind, that was one of Brans favourite tunes, and Nier knew for a fact that his brother had taught it to Teme because he had been there.

Nier raised his nose to the air, the scent of his nephew was stronger here, he was getting close, but then so was the edge of Amherst. He didn't think he was going to catch up with the boy before he entered the old city. Nier thought quickly, knowing that he could stalk the boy easier through the city, using the buildings as cover, he would be more effective if he masked his scent. He scouted around frantically, looking for something strong enough to confuse Teme's nose. He found the mostly decomposed remains of a rabbit, recoiling at the stink of the fur scraps and bones, he hated the idea of disguising himself with that stench, but it would have to do. He plucked the largest scrap of fur he could find on the carcass and scraped off any meat left on it on the grass, rubbing the now dry pelt over his neck, wrists, ankles and the base of his tail, covering all of his scent glands. He discarded the pelt quickly, shuddering in disgust before ripping out handfuls of grass and smothering the rest of his body and shorts in the damaged ends, crushing the green stems against his fur to mask the rest of him. Once done he jogged towards Amherst, knowing that he'd have to scare the fur off the boy to make him think about what he was doing, he silently cursed himself for leaving his skains in his bag at his house, knowing that the addition of sharp weapons would only add to the fear and danger factor, for now his claws and teeth would have to do.

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