Time for Talk or Time for Action

My last post is forever gone D: PGP+2


Jaden waited for a moment while thoughts of disgust and mistrust still swirled about his mind. The hybrid gave her name and admitted to being part of Inferni’s leadership. Oh… The mask of neutrality slipped and a bit of disappointment managed to cling onto the single syllable. Jaden forced back his smile and hoped she wouldn’t ask why that was so disappointing. My apologies then, What could be expected from a clan of coyotes? He realized that any one of them would have been equally disappointing. That he knew this one and she had some desire to be honorable, however impossible it was, could be a plus… somehow… He would have to find something to accept about her if he wished to keep playing nice. She didn’t like slavery. This gave her a bit of value. He chuckled in what could have been seen as a pleasant way with his ploy. In reality it was that she was now trying to be friendly with the comment of liking his pack’s name that was slightly comical, not that he found pride or pleasure in her words.

My name is Jaden Ohanzee and I am Issum of Sangi’lak. I lead with X’yrin Exultare, she is the Issor. It seemed like a good time to mention his co-leader with their titles sounding so similar. X’ies and I have come mostly to present our pack in a peaceful manner and offer a chance for trade. The male’s voice was solidifying from his forced kindness into something more formal and easier to maintain. He kept a kind look about him as he watched the one-eared leader for a response.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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