vitamin D

WC: 6+

Shadow had just moved to the last Target that he could remember and with this strike he fainted right then moved left and with a strong swing he clawed into the target he had made and ripped the bark right off the tree he had hit. It flew to the side away from the voice he had just randomly heard. Shadow slowly opened his eyes and when he saw one of his sisters standing there he looked around to all the targets he had made. He was looking to get rip of stress and the pain of all the thoughts in his head and he had done just that. They still plagued his mind but they weren't hurting so much. The training had helped and he was also a little mad at the fact that he didn't know something or someone was coming but then again he wasn't really in any danger. He was in his packs lands so he dismissed this surprise and slowly he took a bow and he closed his eyes as he looked to her "You know my name but I am sorry to say that I do not know yours...It is a pleasure to meet you...and sorry if I have disturbed or scared you in any way for that was not my intention, I was just training...trying to...clear my head."

Shadow bowed again and then he looked to the targets, he studied each one and made mental notes on everything he saw. He judged which attacks would be a killing blow and which would wound and he judged the time it took to hit each one and how many times he could have been hit by someone who knew what he was doing. to someone not knowing anything about what he was doing and seeing that he had hit each one, they would think it impressive for doing so with ones eyes closed but Shadow was brought up to expect and give perfection. He had to be faster and each hit should be a killing blow and the time to take out all the targets should be cut in half. There was so much to improve but really he was already great in skill but his fathers words were in the back of his mind making him think less of himself and of course with Insomnia gone and his pups dead and Amy soon to die, it was not easy to not pulls ones self down. He had promised Fayne that he would not kill himself and so because of his honor, he couldn't even if he still had thoughts about it.

Shadow stopped studying the marks and he looked back to his sister of the pack and he nodded lightly and shook his head."Forgive me for seeming like I am ignoring you, I just had to look over the results of my training. I don't mean any disrespect." As shadow looked to her and stood tall she would notice the scar on his chest and cuts and scars on his arms and side and if she would see his back then those as well. He has had a tough life and the Physical pain was easy but now the mental pain was the thing testing him. He was so taken with trying to forget about his pain that he forgot manners and how to react around others. He really was broken and it would take a lot of time to fix what has happened to him. He was lucky to have others around him that cared about him and to have the backing of his pack. he really was lucky but his mind couldn't think about any good while there was still so much bad that was yet to pass.


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