

The hybrid jerked away from her, blood dripping from his chest. Amy licked her lips at the sight, a dark triumph on her features. Amy wasn't going to go down as easily as he imagined that she would. She would give as good as she got. Worse, if she had the chance. Amy slithered, twisting to break the one arm free of his grasp. Hopelessly she twisted, almost appearing to shimmy at the end of the length of his arm. Again and again she moved to strike at his arm, working to free herself so she could finally get out. Perhaps she could draw a dagger on him. If she could reach one.

Her eyes widened as his fist came forwards. Amy ducked the first blow, but she didn't get as lucky the second time. Painfully Amy sagged down a little, trying to keep fighting. The blows didn't stop though, each time just as painful. Blood dripped from her face now, her teeth bared in an ugly snarl. He only slowed when he found her knife. Her knife! Having it turned against her was humiliating. Amy laid still, watching him, disgusted by his actions. She spat in his face, but didn't struggle beyond that. If he was going to take it, she wasn't going to allow him any pleasure from it. As soon as he finished Amy was going to make sure he couldn't father anymore children.

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