Call to Hunt

OOC here!

Kiara moved around, getting behind the elk. She didn't seem to mind the cold as Tharin waited a short distance on shore. He backed up, giving the elk clear access to the shore. Not that it would get far from there. It was shuffling so slowly, huffing a little as it clambered towards the shore. With Kiara leaping behind it the elk released a short bellow, breaking into a trot. Tharin paced, short whines escaping from him as he watched it move forwards, tail swaying.

As soon as it hit shore, Tharin struck. Leaping he bit into it's shoulder. A cry escaped as it staggered, tossing it's frame and fighting against the blow. The wet pelt was cold to bite through, but the flesh beneath was still warm. Hot fresh blood ran free, flowing through his mouth. Growling he tightened his grip, tearing into the wound the best that he could. The elk couldn't move far, and soon they would have it to eat.

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